The Corner

Odd Links

Sorry for the downtime between Debby posts. My new Mac laptop for some reason doesn’t import live links anymore and I just don’t have the time to reformat each link. Deb and I have figured out a stopgap for the time being. Anyway, here’s Friday’s list: 

Keeping a cell phone on talk mode in a pocket can decrease sperm quality.   Swiss restaurant to serve meals cooked with human breast milk.   New material mimics gecko feet.   Winners of the “Oddest Book Title” award from 1978 – 2007.   Quiz: How Long Could You Survive Chained to a Bunk Bed with a Velociraptor?   Turn your PC into a Mac.   Coke dealer allegedly adds gas surcharge.   Now schools introduce a sex guide for your six-year-olds.   Epic Domino Effect.   How to build secret rooms.   12 Year Old Boy Invents New Type of Solar Cell.   Why Loud Music in Bars Increases Alcohol Consumption.   Chianti: Secret to Long Life. And here’s an old one:

If there was any doubt about the terrible threat that global warming poses to humanity, then it can now be dismissed – as this shocking photograph proves.   Briton to take on Everest – on a unicycle.   It’s surprisingly easy to hack an election.   NASA mulls nuclear Moon reactor.   At age 18, two guys vowed that when they turned 50 they would have a pie fight.  Thirty two years later – here’s the video.   Gallery of art deco space travel posters.   Hubble Finds Unidentified Object in Space, Scientists Puzzled.   Stephen Hawking to unveil strange new way to tell the time.   Brain Scans Used to Convict Woman of Murder in India.   Taller people are happier than short people.   The winner of the Britain’s worst joke contest.  Runners-up are pretty bad, too.   How to: Remove Tourists From Travel Photos.   Improvements to the technology for turning coal into liquid fuel.   Why you shouldn’t park in front of a fire hydrant.   Inside London cab drivers brains – built in sat-nav.   Eating veggies shrinks the brain.  On the other hand, Broccoli may help protect lungs.   Humans are built to outrun nearly every other animal on the planet over long distances.   The Large Hadron Collider’s been hacked.  Related: the proposed biological equivalent to the LHC.   Conserving water at home with a urinal.


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