The Corner

Obamacare Hopes to Draft the NBA

As an old Disneyland commercial inquired, “LeBron James, you just won the NBA Championship! What are you going to do next?”

If the White House has any say, perhaps answer would be: advertise Obamacare. Politico reports:

The Obama administration has reached out to the NBA about a potential marketing partnership to promote the health law, Politico has learned. . . .

In its first big public call about Obamacare outreach plans Tuesday, Enroll America said it will reach out to professional sports leagues to help encourage people to sign up for insurance. . . .

The Obama administration’s NBA outreach came up at a meeting last week of the Health Connector – the agency that runs Massachusetts’s health insurance exchange. Connector officials said a White House-NBA partnership was being considered.

The NBA has declined to comment, and the Massachusetts officials who revealed the possible partnership are not offering details.

But it seems reasonable enough to us. Who better to discuss the burden of rising healthcare costs than professional athletes making $213,000 per game?

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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