The Corner

National Security & Defense

Obama, the ‘Supreme Leader,’ and the Prime Minister

Today’s Impromptus begins with an item about Ali Khamenei, the ayatollah Khomeini’s successor as “supreme leader” of Iran. He is a movie critic, too. He hates American Sniper, just as Michael Moore and others on our left do, and for essentially the same reasons.

Isn’t it curious? That robed and turbaned theocrats and our secular Left should so often be on the same page?

Anyway, I wanted to add something here in the Corner — the observation that our president seems to treat the “supreme leader” of Iran more respectfully than he does the prime minister of Israel. Maybe some day we will see Obama’s correspondence with Khamenei. I feel sure it is dripping with respect (from Obama’s side). To my knowledge, neither Obama nor his men have derided Khamenei as a “chickensh**” and “Aspergery” and all that.

Furthermore, I don’t think the administration would object to a Khamenei speech before Congress with as much vehemence and petulance as they do to Netanyahu’s forthcoming speech. What’s more, I don’t think as many Democrats would boycott.

All of which is seriously screwed up.

P.S. An obvious answer to my post is that you can be more raucous with your friends than with your enemies. Entirely agree. But I wonder whether Obama really considers Netanyahu, and Israel at large, a friend. I worry that he is Said all the way.

Plus, does he consider the mullahs’ Iran an enemy?

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