The Corner

Obama Dismisses GOP Threats over Executive Amnesty

President Obama made it clear he wasn’t worried about the new GOP Congress’s threats against undertaking executive amnesty in the coming months, dismissing incoming Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell’s warning that the action would be like “waving a red flag in front of a bull.”

“I have no doubt that there will be some Republicans who are angered or frustrated by any executive action that I may take,” he told CBS’s Major Garrett. “Those are folks who — I have to say — are deeply opposed to immigration reform, in any form, and blocked the House from being able to pass a bipartisan bill.”

Obama said he gave House majority leader John Boehner “space and room” to pass an immigration bill over the last two years. “If, in fact, there is a great eagerness on the part of Republicans to tackle a broken immigration system, they have every opportunity to do it,” he said. “My executive actions not only do not prevent them from passing a law that supersedes those actions, but may be a spur to actually try to get something done.

When asked whether the election was a referendum on his intention to use executive authority on immigration, the president was dismissive. “As I said before, I don’t want to try to read the tea leaves on election results,” he said. “What I am going to try to do as president is advancing what is best for the country.”

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