The Corner

Politics & Policy

Obama and Hillary Will Want to Talk About Everything But the FBI Interviews

In the discussions of the Orlando attack, watch for the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton campaign to do everything possible to shift focus away those three FBI interviews of the shooter. Federal agents interviewed this man three times about allegations of loyalties to a terror group or a connection to suicide bomber and concluding he’s not a threat, only to watch him commit the worst terror attack on American soil since 9/11. It’s a sadly familiar case of government officials entrusted with protecting Americans making the wrong call.

We’ve seen twelve detainees released from Gitmo launch attacks in Afghanistan and killed Americans. The reduction of existing security forces in Benghazi in August 2012. The release of five Taliban leaders in exchange for the deserter Bowe Bergdahl. The Iran deal adds another $1.7 billion in military spending for Iran.  The OPM hack. Fast and Furious putting guns in the hands of drug cartels — and Garland, Texas shooter Nadir Soofi. Hillary Clinton’s insecure private server and e-mails referring to CIA personnel. The intelligence analysts in Central Command saying their reports on ISIS were being rewritten to support the administration’s storyline. Obama’s decision to dismiss ISIS as the “JV team.”

The FBI interviewed Boston marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011. Shortly after the White House assured Americans that the screening for terrorists among Syrian refugess was the best humanly possible, we learned San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik underwent and passed a Department of Homeland Security counterterrorism screening as part of the process of getting her visa. 

This administration makes consequential errors in national security over and over and over and over and over again. And they never say, “this is our fault, we looked at the problems wrong, our solution didn’t work”; they inevitably turn the focus to you. It always comes back to your gun ownership, your imminent Islamophobic backlash, your intolerance, your homophobia.

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