The Corner

O Must One-Up W

Randall Parker makes a good point in this Parapundit post from yesterday.

The Democrats were the Tax And Spend Party. Then in response the Republicans became the Borrow And Spend Party. America has a competitive political market where the two parties try to outdo each other with new offerings. As a result, now the Democrats have now outdone the Republicans and become the Tax, Borrow And Spend Party.

To maintain cred with their base as the Santa Claus party, the Dems have to out-spend the George W. Bush administration. That’s going to take some doing, but signs are, they’re up to it.

Of course, it’ll all have to be paid for somehow . . . but we won’t think about that today, we’ll think about that tomorrow.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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