The Corner

For the NYPD, It Doesn’t Stop in Brooklyn

The Post reports that a third NYPD officer was nearly killed by a gunman on Saturday:

A third cop narrowly escaped with his life Saturday night when a suspect pointed a gun directly at the officer’s head and pulled the trigger in The Bronx — not realizing it was empty.

Cops went to East 140th Street in Mott Haven at 9 p.m. on reports of a man shooting out windows with a.357 caliber revolver. They spotted the suspect, identified as Raymond Leonardo, 18, and ordered him to drop the gun. Instead, he took point blank aim at one of the officers, officials said.

When the gun didn’t work, he put it in his pocket and ran. Cops tackled him a few blocks away. “It looks like he used up all of his bullets’’ firing at the windows, a law-enforcement source said.

Note that, with their characteristic professionalism, the cops handled the deadly suspect with restraint, merely tackling him after he tried to shoot at them.

Meanwhile, police sources told the newspaper about the continuing threats they are getting, including tweets like this one, posted after the assassination-style murders of Officers Wenjian Lu and Rafael Ramos by Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley“Kill em all i’m on the way to NY now #shootthepolice 2 more going down tomorrow.”

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