The Corner

NR Webathon

NR’s Webathon: ‘The Hottest Thing in Town’

William F. Buckley Jr. and Gore Vidal on the set (Magnolia Pictures)

Sometimes the American people require a fearless, sober-minded examination of the evidence behind the lab-leak theory. Sometimes the Biden administration needs to be called out for using taxpayer money to fund overseas abortions. Sometimes what’s important is a takedown of the progressive policies that are causing “The Great California Exodus.” And sometimes the world just needs a defense of teen knife fighting.

Whether you’re looking for quick reactions to breaking news or an entire special issue devoted to essays on the decline of the once Golden State, National Review is your source.

The world is changing fast. What should Americans think about a rising, aggressive, authoritarian Chinese state? Is there a solution to an iconoclastic, aggressive Wokism – an ideology that seeks to overthrow everything and begin again with Year Zero?

National Review is thinking about these things, debating them, making good ideas better and stronger, and figuring out how timeless American principles apply to a vapid, dangerous age.

For 65 years, it’s been this way. Indeed, when the editors of National Review wrote, in 1955 at this magazine’s founding, that they stood against “an age of conformity” in which liberals “run just about everything,” they could have been speaking for you or me today.

But that generation of rebels, swimming against the tide in the early years of the Cold War, did not do it alone. They did it through and with the support of countless subscribers and 120 initial investors who “made this magazine possible.”

Will you join them?

Join them by subscribing to NRPlus. Join them with a generous donation to the National Review webathon.

The mainstream culture thinks conservatives are stuffy, dry, and boring. But what could be more boring than a dreary adherence to the dominant progressive zeitgeist or to today’s doctrine of hysterical Wokism?

In our era, to be a conservative, to keep one’s head amidst the roiling seas of bad ideas – that’s downright radical.

“We offer, besides ourselves,” William F. Buckley and the NR editors wrote 65 years ago, “a position that has not grown old under the weight of a gigantic, parasitic bureaucracy, a position untempered by the doctoral dissertations of a generation of Ph.D’s in social architecture, unattenuated by a thousand vulgar promises to a thousand different pressure groups, uncorroded by a cynical contempt for human freedom.”

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, leaves us just about the hottest thing in town.”

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