The Corner

NR Seeks Director of Development

National Review Inc., home to your favorite conservative magazine and website, seeks a director of development. This position will be challenging, but very rewarding for the right person. National Review is not a non-profit: it’s just not profitable. Yet it has managed to survive these 57-plus years because so many good people — responding to the appeals of our late founder, William F. Buckley Jr., and others — have contributed to keep open the doors of this critical institution. And to expand its mission. There is so much more to do, and so many more places where National Review’s authoritative voice must be heard. That will take new financial support.

If you believe you can play this important part in making NR’s presence larger and even more influential, then apply. We seek a person who will work in our New York office, who is knowledgeable about the history and content of National Review, who can raise money, who has excellent communication skills, who is a team player, who is not a diva, who doesn’t think this might be the back-door way for you to have an opinion column. No, this is strictly about development, and plenty of it. Oh yeah: Expect to travel frequently. To apply, send a cover letter, résumé, and salary requirements for Our deadline for receiving applications is February 14. You will not be considered unless all requested information is provided.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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