The Corner

Novak Vs. Franken

Bob Novak, after being taunted by a jackass who followed him around, might get charged with assault. The actual “assault” was minimal according to the Post’s accountand the provocation was considerable. Some site called Takebackthemedia is hyperventillating about the whole thing.

What I want to know is how these people can get outraged by a 72 year old grabbing a guy’s arm and shoving him after being followed around and called a traitor over and over again while they don’t seem to care that Al Franken tackled a guy from behind for heckling a speaker. I mean if what Novak did was bad then what Franken did was evil. I don’t think either events are very big deals. But if you’re going to get outraged over Novak defending his honor, you’ve got to be troubled by Al Franken sucker-tackling a guy simply because he thought he could.

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