The Corner

“Nothing more than a casual fan”

Re my ill-advised intervention below, a reader writes:

Your outrage over this supposed affront to Trek cannon is not very convincing since your ignorance of the change identifies you as nothing more than a casual fan.

Oh, the unkindest cut. Actually, it’s not about an “affront to Trek cannon” (or even canon), but about a profoundly destructive vandalism to language at large. “Trek cannon” can take care of itself. Our reader continues:

You should just say you don’t like the politically correct, inclusive politics that the speech represents and leave it at that, instead of trying to legitimize your distaste with some dubious reverence for Star Trek, which you clearly don’t have. Frankly, Trek’s political underpinnings have always been liberal and progressive, how are you a fan of this series in the first place? 

Oh, dear. Kathryn’s rule is beginning to make a lot more sense. Beam me outta here.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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