The Corner

Not-Subtle Rudy

From a fundraising e-mail that just went out (bold is mine, I doubt he would mind):

Dear kathryn,

My hero Ronald Reagan once said, “The future belongs to the free.” This statement captures what so many Americans admired about President Reagan — his optimistic leadership, his belief in building a better future, and his continued focus on freedom.

Today, as Republicans, we need to restore that optimistic spirit to our party and to the national political debate that is shaping the future of this great nation.

That’s why this past November, I took the important step of creating an exploratory committee.

I believe that the Republican Party is “The Party of Freedom.” At our best, we believe in giving people more control over their own lives. This principle runs through the policies that unite us as a party: keeping taxes low and cutting the size of government, finding market solutions to generational challenges such as entitlement reform, and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Running for President is a responsibility that should be entered into after much thought and prayer, and with a strong base of support and commitment from my fellow citizens.

I’m humbled by early polls that show me leading the race nationally and in key primary states. I am ready for the tremendous amount of hard work that lies ahead to earn our party’s nomination, and I would count on the help from party leaders like you.

kathryn, I am writing you today to ask for your show of support.

….When I look to the future, I see a country where citizens are confident that our nation is in control of its destiny. I see a country where citizens feel they have a right to live in freedom from fear. I see a country where citizens believe we will hand our nation to the next generation better than it was handed to us. Because people who live in freedom have much more strength than people who live in oppression.

That is the story of the Old Testament. That is the story of the Second World War. And that will be the history our generation writes when we win the War on Terror.

When I served in President Reagan’s Justice Department as Associate Attorney General, I learned the importance of optimistic leadership firsthand. I applied those lessons when I took on the mafia and corrupt politicians as U.S. Attorney and when I became Mayor of New York.

At the time, New York City was called “ungovernable” and paralyzed by high crime and city decay. I entered office as an optimist, confident that New York could be a shining city on a hill again.

We put common sense Republican ideas into action:

  • Cutting crime and welfare in half.
  • Cutting taxes and the size of bureaucracy.
  • Turning a deficit into a multi-billion dollar surplus.
  • Making it safe for families and businesses to invest their future in the neighborhoods of New York.

Most important, we restored a sense of optimism, a belief that our best days were still ahead.

With the War on Terror now in its sixth year, I’m confident we will ultimately win because I’ve seen the strength of America up close. Since leaving City Hall, I have traveled to 46 states and campaigned for 170 Republican candidates across the nation. I’ve spoken to countless Americans, listening to their concerns and hopes for the future.

I understand many citizens are still troubled by the scandals in Washington, D.C. We need to give Americans fresh evidence that government can work again.

As Mayor of New York, I determined the right strategies and executed them effectively, transforming the crime capital of the country into the “safest large city in America.” But the most important changes were not the statistics that showed we had safer, cleaner streets or an improved quality of life. What mattered most was the new sense of confidence and optimism.

That’s the kind of change the American people need to feel today.

As my exploratory committee moves forward, and I make my decision, I must know if I can count on your support. To join Team Rudy, simply complete and return the enclosed form with your most generous contribution today.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, and may God continue to bless America.


Rudy Giuliani

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