The Corner

Not Exactly

On Feb. 1, Jim Geraghty commented, in his regular NRO space, on the Eason Jordan story. He mentioned that Rony Abovitz had alleged that Jordan had made the offensive remarks. Geraghty then quoted a blogger (GayPatriotWest): “Had [Rep. Barney] Frank not challenged [Jordan], the global elites there might have taken Jordan’s words at face value, convinced that Americans were indiscriminately targeting journalists. Thanks to Barney Frank, world leaders assembled in Davos learned that there was no substance to such claims.” After the quote, Geraghty echoed the sentiment: “Good job, Barney Frank.”

Here’s how the same passage reads in Roll Call today: “‘Thanks to Barney Frank, world leaders assembled [at the World Economic Forum] in Davos learned that there was no substance to such claims,’” wrote Rony Abovitz of the National Review. ‘Good job, Barney Frank.’”

So Roll Call has found two quotes written by different people, attached them together, and attributed them to another person who didn’t write either quote and who does not, in fact, exist. (There is no “Rony Abovitz of the National Review.”) That’s going to be complicated for the newspaper to correct.

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