The Corner

Not the Enemy Camp

A West Point cadet — Ben Salvito – responds to Chris Matthews:

Cadets are trained in acceptance of orders, and the Commander-in-Chief was effectively issuing an order to all who were present. No cadet will be spared from the effects of President Obama’s remarks — his message has been received and internalized by all who were present in Eisenhower Hall. I am humbled by the President’s decision to announce his new strategy at my school and completely reject the notion of any who suggest that West Point is in any way “the enemy camp.” The enemy camps are in Helmand province, where soldiers are currently engaged in the President’s mission.

As a member of the Class of 2010, I am preparing to graduate and utilize the skills and lessons that West Point has taught me to join those deployed and contribute to the Afghanistan conflict. I am confident that my classmates all feel similarly, and it will be an honor to serve beside them.

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