The Corner


‘Not a Thing That Comes to Mind’

Audrey noted below the Harris gaffe on The View. I think to this point her interviews have been wholly unimpressive, but this is the first time she’s made a mistake that is sure to live on.

It’s mind-boggling that she didn’t have an answer ready for this question. If she wanted to dodge, she could have said something like, “Well, there are always things you look back on and think you could have done better, but I’m sure that’s really useful.” And then repeat the same point in different words if pressed with a follow-up; any interviewer has to give up eventually, and in this case it was a friendly.

The root of the problem, though, is that she hasn’t distanced herself from Biden on anything, which is bizarre given that she’s trying to position herself as the candidate of change. She was also tripped up by this when she was on 60 Minutes and asked why the administration didn’t toughen up at the border during the first three years. She easily could have said (and for the purposes of this exercise, sincerity and truthfulness don’t matter), “I love Joe and think he saved democracy, but I do think he was too lax at the beginning. Now he’s got it right, and I’m going to double-down on the current approach.”

Instead, she’s trying to run as the turn-the-page candidate who wants to read from the same old book.

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