The Corner

Nos to Yeses

As Kathryn notes, a newly revamped Boehner bill heads to the floor that calls for a balanced-budget amendment to be approved by two-thirds of both houses and sent to the states for ratification before the second tranche of the debt-ceiling increase would take effect.

As Kathryn also notes, the change has prompted the Club for Growth to tentatively rescind their “key vote” warning, and opposition. Rep. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) becomes the first big “get” for Boehner, announcing this morning that he is now a yes. But if the Club rescission holds, I imagine there will be many more.

UPDATE: Andrew Stiles tells me Reps. Landry (R., La.), Gingrey (R., Ga.), and Gohmert (R., Texas) are among the converts.

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