The Corner

No weeds in Westfield

Re my post on alleged 9/11 fatigue, a reader writes from New Jersey:

I concur with your lament about 9/11 fading, but drawing your example from the Star Ledger’s lead article troubled me. I live in Westfield, NJ, where, according to Judy Peet, Star-Ledger Staff, ”In Westfield, weeds have taken over the brick walkways around the 9/11 memorial and heavy traffic exhaust has left its mark on the obelisk.” I visited the grounds today, after reading your comment and the article yesterday, and the desciption is not accurate.

Perhaps the writer confuses the lariope along the small section of brick pavers. Perhaps, it was heresay. Maybe it was too good a hook to the story that if even a Westfield with its manicured lawns, and tidy downtown, would neglect its memorials, it is truly a story….so a day’s worth of sprawling spurge turns into a calamity.  And the obelisk, which glows at night from an internal light and is inscribed with the names of thousands of innocents and uniformed that were killed on 9/11 was luminescent as it has been the past five years.

Glad to hear it. After six years, there ought to be something in Lower Manhattan, but that’s a whole other can of worms.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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