The Corner

New Romney Spanish TV Ad: ‘Nosotros’

Today, Mitt Romney’s campaign is launching a new Spanish-language television ad in Florida, three weeks before the primary on January 31. It features his son Craig, who speaks Spanish, and Republican congressmen Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart, who have both endorsed Romney. The ad and an English translation are below:

CRAIG ROMNEY: “The United States represents liberty, opportunity, where anything is possible. I am Craig Romney. My father, Mitt Romney believes in those American values because he has lived them and will fight to restore the greatness of our nation.”

LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART: “Romney has a plan to create new jobs.”

CONGRESSWOMAN ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN: “Mitt Romney has the vision to restore the country’s national security.”

CONGRESSMAN MARIO DIAZ-BALART:  “Romney believes in us.”

MITT ROMNEY: “I am Mitt Romney and I approve this message. Thank you very much.”

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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