The Corner

Politics & Policy

New Poll: Almost Two-Thirds of Likely Voters Support Ending Biden’s Plan to Cancel Student-Loan Debt

President Joe Biden delivers an economic policy speech at The Old Post Office in Chicago, Ill., June 28, 2023. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

As discussed on today’s forthcoming Three Martini Lunch podcast, a new Rasmussen poll indicates that a solid majority of the public agrees with the Supreme Court decision that struck down President Biden’s student-loan-forgiveness program.

Most voters approve of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that declared President Joe Biden’s student loan debt cancellation unconstitutional.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 63% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of the court’s decision that struck down Biden’s program to cancel billions of dollars in student loan debt, including 49% who Strongly Approve. Thirty-one percent (31%) disapprove of the Supreme Court student loan ruling, including 20% who Strongly Disapprove.

Rasmussen’s results may traditionally be a bit more cheering to conservatives than the average pollster, but the wording of the question in this poll seems straightforward and even-handed: “The Supreme Court recently struck down President Joe Biden’s program to cancel billions of dollars in student loan debt, ruling that the plan exceeded the president’s constitutional authority. Do you approve or disapprove of the Supreme Court’s decision?” Even if you want to argue Rasmussen’s samples are too Republican-friendly, a 63 percent to 31 percent split is a clear divide in favor of opponents of loan forgiveness.

Biden’s student-loan-bailout plan was never popular nationally, but a lot of the media coverage and the discussion on Twitter — pardon me, on the social-media platform now known as “X” — would have you believing that the public loved the plan and that opponents were a minority.

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