The Corner

Negron News

I’m told the fight for Republicans to keep Mark Foley’s seat is “going really well.” Charlie Cook and Stuart Rothenberg seem to agree because they’ve upgraded the race from lean Dem to toss-up in recent days. A source close to the Negron campaign tells me that they’re “now neck and neck in polling and have a larger buy than Mahoney. We have been nailing Mahoney because he talks about jobs all the time but his company is a big cheerleader for outsourcing.”

Floridians are doing their part: Jeb Bush campaigned for Negron two weeks ago and will be back this week. So will Mel Martinez. House members are lending a hand (for better or for worse):  Roy Blunt was recently there and Joe Wilson from South Carolina campaigned for Negron over the weekend.

Byron wrote on the Negron campaign — and the brilliant “Punch Foley for Joe” strategy – here last week.

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