The Corner

Naomi Wolf & The Fascist Peril

Naomi Wolf rolls out a completely cliched table-thumper about how America is going fascist (No wonder it’s cliched, it seems she relies on Joe Conason for guidance).

For the record, I don’t make anything like this ham-fisted and ad hominem argument in my forthcoming book. But, Slate’s Tim Noah and other journalistic hall monitors and angry bloggers claim I should be pelted from the public stage — even though they haven’t read my book — for the thought crime of even comparing liberal-leftism to fascism in any way. Meanwhile, every day another liberal leading light makes precisely the argument Noah & Co. imagine I am making — but since they’re calling conservatives Nazis and Fascists, it’s A-Ok with them. When are they going to get even remotely piqued about Wolf, or Conason, Hedges or Slate’s own Diane McWhorter (to name a mere handful)? I don’t mind people misunderstanding my book before reading it. That’s to be expected. But the pious outrage from people who say I’m beyond the pale but these people aren’t is just too hypocritical to bear.

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