The Corner

Naming Names

Cranmer reprints a list (compiled by Open Doors) of the fifty countries where Christians are subject to the most persecution. Inevitably, North Korea comes first, followed by, I’m sad to say, Afghanistan and then, naturally, our Saudi chums.

I’m sure it’s most indelicate of Cranmer to point this out but he goes ahead and does so anyway:

It must be observed that [except for North Korea] the rest of the Top 10 are Islamic.

Now, it’s always possible to argue about the methodology of surveys like this, but count me unsurprised by those results.

Cranmer adds:

And so it is ironic, is it not, given this list, that the Organization of the Islamic Conference sponsored a UN resolution entitled ‘Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief’.

Under the circumstances, ironic is a very gentle word.

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