The Corner

My Wonk Cred…

is confirmed by this blogger who makes a good insight about Wonkette. She has the word “wonk” in her title and yet it seems all she really talks about is media gossip, political gossip, gossipy media and politicians and — whenever possible – penetratio per anum and the Right’s alleged fascination with same. Now, I’m not particularly interested in what Wonkette thinks about the flat tax and I do think she can be funny and informative. But I think this does illuminate part of her appeal to the Washington press corps. By calling herself Wonkette, she plays on the ego of Washington journalists and gnomes who put on airs of seriousness when in reality they’re just looking for dish and sex-talk. One irony is that Andrew Sullivan calls his blog “daily dish” and there’s almost no “dish” in there. Therein lies really wonkery.

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