The Corner


For ages, I’ve been meaning to write about an essay on Obama that appeared in the Summer issue of City Journal. It is by Michael Knox Beran, and it is one of the best things I have read about Obama — or Election ’08. It is flabbergastingly good (and here).

And that reminds me to say how grateful I am to Andrew McCarthy, Stanley Kurtz, Byron York, and others for their splendid and sometimes heroic (and sometimes thankless) work on the election this year. They (and I have not given a finite list!) are the MVPs of 2008 (certainly where political journalism is concerned). Those who care (to use a word often thought of as a lefty one!) are in their debt.

Thanks for working through my parentheses. And before I leave this post: a big, big shout of thanks to Kathryn Lopez and all others who make NRO go. I realize that I am associated with National Review and its enterprises and maybe shouldn’t comment. Praise should be left to others. But screw it — WFB sometimes paused to acknowledge and thank NR, and the rest of us might do similarly.

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