The Corner

Muslim Rage Continues

Riots have begun in Nigeria, as well; a gathering around a mosque in Jos (a site of frequent violence between Christians and Muslims) has now prompted the Nigerian army to fire bullets into the crowd in an attempt to disperse it.

The U.S. embassy in Khartoum appears to have expelled all protesters from its grounds; three have died outside after Sudanese security forces opened fire on the attackers.

Stateside, bomb threats at UT-Austin and North Dakota State University have caused both universities to issue general evacuation orders. The bomb threat made in Texas was called in by someone claiming to be affiliated with al-Qaeda.

In Tunis, the BBC explains:

Tunisian police have opened fire on protesters at the US embassy in Tunis, wounding at least five people, Reuters reports. It is not yet clear if police used live rounds or rubber bullets. A large fire is also said to be raging inside the compound. 

The Tunis American school (where children of embassy employees would be enrolled) has also been set on fire.

From AFP, the German embassy in Khartoum:

UPDATE: An Al-Jazeera reporter describes the Tunisian security forces as “really trying” to push protesters back from the embassy, but they are “struggling” and at times “overwhelmed,” “quite weak and not so coordinated” (they ran out of ammunition at one point). There is still a black flag flying over the embassy, but he believes that the protesters have been driven out of the embassy itself, and are now merely surrounding it.

The same reporter explains that the Tunisian army has been, unusually, called in to provide armored personnel vehicles, but that reinforcements are badly needed, since they are running low on ammunition. That said, he explains that the protesters do not appear to be armed. He describes the “main group of protesting” as “religious extremists, known as Salafists,” but they have now been joined by “other young people, [and] unemployed people.”

UPDATE II: A Tunisian radio station reports that the Tunisian police’s anti-terrorism unit has evacuated the U.S. ambassador from the embassy.

UPDATE III: In Tripoli, Lebanon, they’re not letting up in their war on obesity (Reuters):

UPDATE IV: From Bahrain:

UPDATE V:  If true, this is more worrisome news, from a CNN freelancer (MFO is the acronym for the U.N. monitoring mission in the Sinai):

UPDATE VI: AFP reports that three people have been killed and 28 injured outside the embassy in Tunis.

Patrick Brennan was a senior communications official at the Department of Health and Human Services during the Trump administration and is former opinion editor of National Review Online.
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