The Corner

Mullahs of the North

Scandinavia has its share of jihad, as you know. Sweden, in particular, has big problems. (Problems so big, some Jews are leaving their homes.) Norway has problems. Denmark, we’ll leave to another time. (And I am resisting the temptation to make a “rotten” joke.)

Ever hear of Mullah Krekar? He’s the chief Islamist in Norway — their little bin Laden. He’s loose on the streets; but the government is watching him fairly closely, apparently. Two of his biggest opponents are women in their forties who lead political parties — the two right-most parties in Norway. Those parties are the Conservative party and the Progress party. And their leaders are Erna Solberg and Siv Jensen. In a recent interview with the press, Krekar threatened the life of Solberg, in particular. For a news article, go here. For another, go here.

I wish to quote a portion of the first:

[Krekar] now appears a frustrated man, unhappy with the constraints put on him by the confiscation of his passport and bank account. “I have three real enemies: The right wing of the Norwegian government, the Norwegian intelligence service and the Norwegian media,” Krekar said.

He said he considered trying “to move to Castro,” in Cuba. He said he “ran away” from a Muslim country, now wants to run away from a democratic country like Norway, “and thought I’d try communism.” He then concluded Cuba “was very far” from his native culture.

Oh, I don’t know, mullah: Give it a shot. I think you and the Castros could make beautiful music together. And when did Scandinavian political and cultural elites ever criticize Communist Cuba? It would be a whole new world of respect for you.

P.S. I will have plenty to say about Siv Jensen — “the Norwegian Thatcher” — and the Progress party in the next issue of NR. A publication that Mullah Krekar would very much not care for.

P.P.S. The alliance between Islamism and the Left is an ugly, fearsome thing, wherever it appears. And it certainly appears in Norway. To read Bruce Bawer on this subject, go here. Chilling piece.

P.P.P.S. The Nobel peace prize, you remember, is given by a committee of five Norwegians. Let me quote Armando Valladares for you — he’s the writer and human-rights leader who for 22 years was a prisoner in the Cuban gulag: If the Cuban dictatorship were right-wing instead of left-wing, “we would have won two or three Nobel prizes already.” Actually, a Nobel peace prize to a Cuban dissident — to a prisoner of conscience, such as Dr. Biscet — might plunge the regime into a terrible crisis. Wouldn’t that be good?

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