The Corner

MSNBC’s Schultz: Scott Walker Win ‘Unprecedented,’ Puts Him on Presidential Ticket

One of Scott Walker’s harshest critics — in fact, one of the ringleaders of his 2012 recall campaign — paid grudging respect to the Wisconsin Republican, calling his win “unprecedented” and speculating he will likely be a real contender for the presidency in 2016. 

MSNBC host Ed Schultz reacted to the news of Walker’s comfortable gubernatorial victory against Democrat Mary Burke on Tuesday night. “This is an unprecedented run by a Republican governor — to win three elections in four years,” he said. “This clearly will put him in the national spotlight — and I think it’s going to be hard to keep him off the ticket!”

“I mean, the guy has gone into the middle of the country, he has attacked labor, he’s gone after education, he’s rolled back a lot of health-care provisions, he’s suppressed the vote,” Schultz continued. “What hasn’t this guy done against the progressive movement? And he’s been victorious at almost all of it!”

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