The Corner

MRG Poll: McCain Up Three In Michigan

Michigan is a complex and difficult state to poll in, and one of the few polling firms who seems to “get” Michigan is Marketing Research Group (MRG).

Their latest poll has McCain/Palin up in Michigan by three points. Some interesting tidbits from the press release:

The poll showed that Obama continues to show strong support among women (+2%), young voters (+16%), African Americans (+89%), voters living in the Detroit Metro area (+9%) along with his traditional Democratic base. 


John McCain is showing strength among blue-collar voters (+10%), men (+9%), white males (+29%), conservatives (+62%) and voters living in West Michigan (+12%) and the Flint/Saginaw/Bay City Area (+8%). 


Voters like McCain/Palin’s Experience and Judgment – But Change is a Toss-up.

Voters believe the McCain/Palin ticket has more experience (61% – 31%) than the Obama/Biden ticket and they trust their judgment more (48% – 41%). But when it comes to bringing the right kind of change to Washington, the voterís are split, ñ giving the Obama/Biden ticket a one-percent edge (44% – 43%).   

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