The Corner

Mr. Clean?

Via Reuters:

“SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer on Wednesday pulled a political ad that ran on Google Inc. when Web searchers typed in the acronym for American International Group Inc., a prosecutorial target of the crime-busting gubernatorial candidate. During Wednesday morning and early afternoon, Google searchers who typed in the key word “AIG” were delivered a search ad at the top right of the results page that read “Spitzer for NY Governor.” People who clicked on that ad were sent to “It wasn’t appropriate and as soon as Mr. Spitzer found out about it, he had it removed it as soon as possible,” Darren Dopp, a spokesman for the NY attorney general, told Reuters. Dopp said it appeared that a relatively low-level campaign staffer responsible for promoting Spitzer’s campaign Web site made a mistake and put in the AIG key word.”

Handy things, those ‘relatively low-level campaign staffers’, aren’t they?

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