The Corner

Mr. Cheney on the Iran deal

Next Tuesday, September 8th, former Vice President Dick Cheney will give a speech at the American Enterprise Institute on the Iran deal and its implications for U.S. security.

Click here to find AEI’s page for the speech. From that page you can livestream the speech. AEI will also host full video of the speech on that page going forward, so you can watch the speech at your leisure. 

Here’s the description:

President Barack Obama and his supporters have framed the debate over the Iran nuclear deal as a choice between accepting the agreement or opting for war, claiming there is no alternative to this deal. However, critics argue that the current agreement not only allows Iran to acquire a nuclear weapons arsenal, but also may bring the world closer to nuclear war than at any time in 70 years.

As the US military budget is cut and the Obama administration diminishes America’s power and global role, will nervous allies in the region—worried about Iran’s rising power and the seriousness of US commitments—develop their own nuclear programs? Will the provision of sanctions relief and more than $150 billion in cash to the world’s leading state sponsor of terror—responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers through Tehran’s proxies in Iraq and Afghanistan—endanger America’s allies and interests? Should Congress approve a deal in which Iran is allowed to verify its own compliance?

Just over a week before Congress’s September 17 deadline to approve or disapprove the Iran nuclear deal, please join AEI in welcoming former Vice President Richard B. Cheney for a major address concerning the deal’s consequences for the security and interests of the United States and its allies in the Middle East.

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