The Corner

‘Most Americans Want Unused Stimulus Money Returned to Taxpayers’

From Fox:

Like most economists, many Americans think the worst of the nation’s economic troubles are in the past. The latest FOX News poll finds that 44 percent say the worst is over — up significantly from 27 percent who thought so in April.

Still, nearly half of the public (49 percent) says the worst is yet to come, down significantly from 66 percent from five months ago.

With improvements in the economy and only a fraction of the stimulus money having been spent so far, most Americans — 72 percent — say returning the unused portion of the $787 billion dollar stimulus to taxpayers would do more to boost the economy than having the government spend it. Majorities of Democrats (59 percent), Republicans (87 percent) and independents (70 percent) think the money should be returned to taxpayers.

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