The Corner

More Unemployment Numbers

A couple data points to go along with the weighted unemployment numbers Ramesh posted below:

National unemployment rose from 8.2 percent in June to 8.3 percent in July.

Republican-governed states: 29

Total Workforce: 85,155,870

Total Unemployed: 6,680,458

Highest Unemployment Rate: Nevada, 12 percent

Lowest Unemployment Rate: North Dakota, 3 percent

Average Unemployment (not weighted): 7.3 percent

Democrat-governed states: 20

Total Workforce: 68,792,497

Total Unemployment: 6,032,532

Highest Unemployment: California with 10.7 percent

Lowest Unemployment: Vermont with 5 percent

Average Unemployment (not weighted): 7.6 percent

Democrats mostly have California to thank for their skewed weighted-unemployment rate — nearly a third of Democrat-governed unemployment comes from California, where 1.9 million people, of a workforce of over 18 million, are without a job. Like Ramesh said, take from that what you will.

Rhode Island, governed by the only governor independent of either party, has an unemployment rate of 10.8 percent.

Caleb Whitmer is a communications associate at Consumers’ Research.
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