The Corner

Science & Tech

More Than a Womb

I previously asked readers whether, if it were possible to safely transfer a fetus from the mother’s womb to an artificial womb, they would support this as an alternative to legal abortion. The results of my poll are in.

In the latest issue of National Review, in a piece titled “Womb for Debate,” I make the pro-life case against artificial wombs.

Interestingly, in a recent Guardian piece, the pro-choice writer, Sonia Sodha, voiced similar concerns about moves to relax the U.K.’s surrogacy laws:

It reduces pregnancy to a process, a transactional exchange of body fluid between a woman and a foetus rather than a relationship between a mother and the life she is nurturing physically and emotionally, that there are ethical considerations involved in breaking at birth, regardless of the desires of the individual adults involved.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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