The Corner

More Recall

Another thoughtful reader response on the recall:


I understand all of the reasons you and others at NRO have put forth against the political soundness of this process, but the fact remains that it is squarely spelled out in the CA constitution and has never been needed until now. I think the fact that there have been 31 recall attempts, but only one success at reaching the ballot, does provide ample evidence that the electorate hasn’t been silly or capricious in the past regarding this option. Whether that will always be the case, should Gov. Low-Beam be recalled in October, no one can say with certainty, but I believe that we’re in this boat now due to a rare confluence of circumstances. The simple fact is that the state is in a real financial crisis [too much spending, obviously] and some of the electorate has finally realized that our governor is incapable of captaining the ship-of-state. Bill Simon said it best the other week, in describing Davis as “frozen at the helm while the Titanic is heading for the iceberg.”

Bottom-line, we’ve got a real train-wreck on our hands and drastic action must be taken [and it’s all legal]. I don’t think this will happen very often [once a century? fifty years?]. We in California can’t wait until 2006 to fix this, strong medicine is needed now because the patient could be dead by then.

[sorry for any metaphor excess]“

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