The Corner

More Proof That It’s “Bush Wins”

Check out the headline from the front of the Washington Post:

Bush, Kerry in Reach of Electoral Win

But Neither Has Clear Advantage In Tossup States

As regular readers of the Washington Post-Democrat know, if there was ANY way they could call it for Kerry, they would. If there was a pro-Kerry angle, or a surge in OH, PA and FL, or anything that would indicate Kerry is winning, we’d be reading it on the front page.

When the MSM says “Kerry’s Winning Big,” that means “It’s close.” When they say “It’s Tied,” that means “Bush is Winning.” When they complain that Bush has somehow stolen a slim electoral majority but not nearly large enough to give him a mandate…

That means “Landslide.”

Michael GrahamMichael Graham was born in Los Angeles and raised in South Carolina. A graduate of Oral Roberts University, he worked as a stand-up comedian before beginning his political career as ...
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