The Corner

More Kirkpatrick

AEI links here.

Her 1996 Republican convention Blame America First speech.

And from NR’s archives:

WFB, 1984: She understood the importance, and abuse, of words. “St. Jeane of the U.N.

KIRKPATRICK, 1999: Good guys don’t always finish first. “Target America

And from the White House:

Laura and I are deeply saddened by the death of Jeane Kirkpatrick. As a professor, author, ambassador, and adviser to Presidents, she influenced the thinking of generations of Americans on the importance of American leadership in advancing the cause of freedom and democracy around the globe. She defended the cause of freedom at a pivotal time in world history, and her courageous service as our United Nations Ambassador inspired her fellow Americans and lovers of liberty around the world. Jeane’s powerful intellect helped America win the Cold War. Her insights and teachings will continue to illuminate the path ahead for the United States in the world. We send our condolences to Jeane’s family and friends and, on behalf of all Americans, we give thanks for her extraordinary life.

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