The Corner


More Embarrassment for the SNP

The Times of London recently published a report on the Scottish National Party’s spending while Nicola Sturgeon was in office. Apparently, public funds were used to buy 22 copies of a book titled How to Run a Government. Too bad nobody read it!

From the Times: “More book purchases included Taxation: A Very Short IntroductionMarx: A Very Short IntroductionThe Inmates Are Running The AsylumI’m Not Good EnoughWhy Does Everything Go Wrong and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Answers At Your Fingertips.” Oh, dear.

Less amusingly, other spending included yoga classes, nail polish, luxury hotels, rain boots, driving theory tests for members of staff, pregnancy tests, and “five venturi masks.”

Yesterday, the Scottish writer Alex Massie wrote an insightful essay in the New York Times, noting that “the bloom is truly off the Scottish National Party, which has continued to dominate political life here in the almost decade since it lost the independence referendum.”

Truly, indeed.

Madeleine Kearns is a former staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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