The Corner

More Elite Markers


Based on my work as a consultant for several GOP candidates here in [State Name Withheld on Request], I can give you more elite markers than you can shake a stick at. These are important because some of us use them determine how people vote. In most cases, these elite markers indicate that they are usually liberal or if GOP, often have a liberal social view. A few of those markers are: reading Architectural Digest, giving to NPR and PBS, foreign travel, and listening to Jazz. Note that these don’t mean that you are necessarily elite or liberal. It just means that if I were betting on how you vote, that’s where I would put my money.

Needless to say, there are markers for dozens of lifestyles, including middle America and the poor.

Lifestyle markers are becoming increasingly important in GOTV efforts and people like me put a lot of work into them. I’ve put together a lifestyle reference book for the Sen [Name wittheld] reelection campaign that runs over 600 pages and one for a congressional candidate that is over 500 pages, showing what the different people in the district drive, eat, read, etc. They are very critical for finding Republicans in predominantly Democratic precincts.

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