The Corner

More Cheney

This time, Mrs. Cheney:<blockquote>QUESTION — Senator Kerry has made the statement that he would like to fight a more sensitive war on terror. What in the world he be thinking about there? What’s your thoughts?

MRS. CHENEY: I just kind of shook my head when I heard that. With all due respect to the Senator, it just sounded so foolish. I can’t imagine that al Qaeda is going to be impressed by sensitivity. (Laughter.)

But it did remind me of kind of this — we’ve heard for a long time from the extreme left in this country, whenever it comes to a matter of our national interest, that somehow the problem is not with the people who are attacking us, the problem is with us. You’ve heard that. And it struck me as a kind of expression of that idea — somehow the problem is not with the people who are attacking us, the problem is with us. If we’ll just adjust our attitude seems to be the idea. We just do a little mental adjustment here, things will go well. Well, I think it just fits with what Dick is saying. This is kind of left-wing foolishness that certainly isn’t appropriate for someone who would seek to be Commander-in-Chief. (Applause.)

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