The Corner

More Al-Jubeir: Nr Needs Psychiatrist

BUCHANAN: All right. Well, let me ask you about the American neo conservative and conservative columnists. I would refer to “National Review” which has had huge covers on very derogatory very — what do you mean? It seems to me what they want to do is they would like to, “A”, break the relationship with Saudi Arabia and, “B”, destabilize the kingdom, and they would like to see, — I think some of them would like to see the government overthrown. Why?

AL-JUBEIR: Sticks and stones can break our bones, but words will never hurt us. We’re looking at a dozen guys maximum, a dozen and a half individuals who have made it their life’s calling in the past two or three years to try to disrupt the relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. I believe that they’re — I don’t know. We need a psychiatrist to analyze what they’re doing.

They will not succeed. I can assure you that. Their relationship has been solid for over 60 years. It will continue to be solid. The — this obsession with Saudi Arabia that they have is baffling. Is it because of our oil? Is it because we’re an independent country? Is it because of our pride? Is it because we have done more for the United States than probably any other country…

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