The Corner

Monkey Business

A new study has found the British are the most promiscuous of major Western nations. (If you remove the “major,” it’s Finland.) “Britain on top [Oh, for goodness’ sake! — J.D.] in casual sex league,” reports the London Times. So things change. Well-bred ladies of the Sceptered Isle used to close their eyes and think of England. Now apparently they close their eyes and think of the bloke next door — or worse yet, keep their eyes open!

The Dalai Lama is against the whole thing. Sex causes nothing but trouble, he says. Having watched Ang Lee’s latest movie over the weekend, I won’t disagree … not that I would anyway.

His Holiness is missing a point somewhere, though. After all, the Tibetan people came into existence as a result of a monkey doing the deed with an ogress. If that hadn’t happened, where would the Dalai Lama be?

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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