The Corner

Monday Random Links…Delivered Fresh

From Debby, the Odd Link Gal:

New Scientist has five great Auditory Illusions.

  Top Secret British Magician of WWII.

How to Crochet Oreo Cookies.

Treat your tummy to a yummy tapeworm! Each 19″ long, 65 gram gummy parasite has a crisp green apple flavor.  Yummy Tummy Tapeworm

Video of a Karate chop in slow motion.

  Triplets born to 16 year old – again.   Worth re-visiting:  Monty Python – Four Yorkshiremen.   1962 Fallout Shelter Handbook.   WooHoo!  Combination of caffeine and alcohol improves outcomes in stroke victims.  

  Portrait of Lincoln out of 2,400 pennies.  Link   Aliens Might Be Moving Stars to Communicate With Us.   This is a bit too Orwellian for my taste – a GPS/Breathalyzer combo.   Hands-free umbrella.   Identical twins may not be nearly as identical as once believed.   The God Particle – National Geographic Magazine – interesting article and some amazing photos.   Pretzel that looks like Virgin Mary.   Spongebob Squarepants Musical Rectal Thermometer plays the Spongebob theme when your temperature is taken.  This is wrong on so many levels.   Time lapse photography of morning glories growing.  Link

  Fantastic ice structures after a wind storm in Estonia. 

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