The Corner

Monday links

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties!

Unusual Suspects: A Collection of Vintage Mugshots.

Is The Sea Really Blue?

Yesterday was the birthday of Dr. Samuel Johnson: here’s a selection of his excellent insults and Scotland-bashing quotes.

The Amazon reviews of Stronger Together, Hillary Clinton’s and Tim Kaine’s new book, are a hoot.

The Battle of Palmdale. How A Rogue 1950s Drone Fiasco Ended With 208 Rockets Fired At Southern California.

ICYMI, most recent links are here, and include the night of the flaming ballerinas, how many fireflies it would take to match the brightness of the sun, a self-testing scientist who determines which body part hurts the most when stung by a bee, and the choosing of a designated survivor (while most government officials are at the State of the Union address, one member of the Cabinet is flown to a secure location in the event that the Capitol is attacked and the entire government is wiped out).

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