The Corner

Missouri Lawmaker Wants to Make Right-to-Work Laws a Felony

Missouri is one of 26 states that has yet to enact right-to-work laws. A Democratic state representative is looking to ensure that it stays that way by making it a felony to even propose such laws.

Representative Jeff Roorda, a business manager for the St. Louis Police Officers Association, which is a union, has sponsored a bill that would make it a class D felony for any member of the assembly to propose “a piece of legislation that further restricts the right of an individual to bargain collectively.” In addition to his being a union employee, RedState reports that some of Roorda’s top campaign contributors were unions.

The bill, which is unlikely to pass, may have come in response to two related stories from earlier this month. Last week, a Republican state representative proposed similarly worded legislation that would make it a felony to offer laws restricting gun ownership in Missouri. And the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported earlier this month that members of the Republican-controlled state house and senate said they were hoping to pass right-to-work laws this year.

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