The Corner

Missing Cathy

I wouldn’t want to let midnight chime without noting that, hard as it is to believe, today marks the fifth anniversary of our pal Cathy Siepp’s death. She was NRO’s Left Coast correspondent and much else. I was tootling around in rural Quebec the other day when a line of hers popped unbidden into my head and I laughed out loud and went off the road.

Amy Alkon shares some memories of Cathy here. I said my bit in an NRO symposium which you can find here. Among the others paying tribute to her back then was Andrew Breitbart, now reunited (one hopes) with his old friend. As I said five years ago:

Great writing is all about rhythm, and Cathy’s was beautiful. I shall miss her enormously.

I do.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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