The Corner

The Miller Christmas

7:21 am: The children arise.

7:22 am: They race downstairs.

7:25 am: They begin opening presents, having been briefly delayed by mother who wants the camera.

7:40 am: The children are confused — Santa has given them Playstation 2 games, but they don’t own a game console.

7:45 am: Toy assembly process begins. It will consume much of the morning.

8:05 am: We discover that we have the wrong batteries for two remote-control cars.

8:22 am: Three-year-old son has not let go of toy nail gun for half hour. He won’t let siblings touch.

8:45 am: Grandparents arrive, with more presents.

9:15 am: Children discover that Santa secretly set up a brand-new PS2 in the middle of night and it’s ready to go. There is much rejoicing.

9:30 am: Breakfast is served.

9:55 am: Seven-year-old son announces, “I’m bored.”

10:15 am: I call my father to wish him Merry Christmas.

11:15 am: I put NHL hockey game in new PS2.

11:25 am: I beat seven-year-old at hockey, 3-1.

11:35 am: Five-year-old daughter leaps from coffee table, spilling my coffee on family-room carpet.

11:38 am: I move my coffee to a presumably more secure location.

11:40 am: In freak mishap, the three-year-old spills my coffee.

11:41 am: I use language that’s inappropriate on this day.

1:00 pm: Father-in-law asks that PS2 be turned off so he can watch Pistons-Pacers game.

1:30 pm: Wife drives to 7-11 to purchase outrageously overpriced AAA batteries.

1:45 pm: Wife returns.

2:05 pm: Children perform demolition derby with three remote-control cars.

3:30 pm: Pistons win, 98-93. There is much rejoicing.

3:31 pm: PS2 goes back on.

3:35 pm: Seven-year-old son becomes engrossed in PS2’s “learn to play hockey” feature.

4:15 pm: He challenges me to hockey game.

4:25 pm: He wins, 9-0.

4:26 pm: I ask when dinner will be ready.

4:30 pm: Wife promises she’ll let me practice PS2 hockey after the kids are in bed.

5:40 pm: Head downstairs to blog.

John J. Miller, the national correspondent for National Review and host of its Great Books podcast, is the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College. He is the author of A Gift of Freedom: How the John M. Olin Foundation Changed America.
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