The Corner

Miles Gone by, Go Buy!

An crusty, long-time, non-girlie-man NR subscriber called me the other day to tell me how reading Miles Gone By – Bill Buckley’s new, best-selling literary autobiography – brought him to tears, recalling powerful memories of the heady, fun-filled vineyard-toiling during the Goldwater campaign, Bill’s uplifting 1965 NYC mayoral bid, Jim Buckley’s senate triumph, et al.

Can’t blame him. Miles spans a lifetime (the accounts of Young Bill and his clan are delightful), and beautifully – perfectly – captures (the essence, the spirit) a half-century of conservatism, from its founding to the present.

It’s a very special book, which is why National Review is offering a limited number of copies, personally autographed by Bill, for your purchase, here. This one is a keepsake, friends. Get a copy for yourself, or for that special someone who is a big WFB fan.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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