The Corner

Medvedev on Iran

From First Read:

According to representatives of the Russian government, Russia’s President Medvedev praised President Obama effusively during a question-and-answer session with students at the University of Pittsburgh.

Asked about Iran and sanctions, Medvedev reportedly said, according to a transcript provided by the Russians:

“I have this feeling as though I’m still in the meeting with Barack Obama. Yesterday he asked me this very same question. We spent about a half hour talking about that yesterday! I tried to answer that yesterday and I’ll try to answer that today in this beautiful hall.

First of all, we are all responsible for global affairs. Since we share this responsibility, no state should refuse it. In this sense, Russia is a responsible country. All of us are involved in promoting nuclear energy and the right to the peaceful use of it. Iran as a state has a right to its own peaceful nuclear program. This is our clear position. That is what I said to Barack Obama yesterday.

I do not believe sanctions are the best way to achieve results. Sanctions were used on a number of occasions against Iran but we have doubts about the results. Nevertheless when all instruments have been used and failed, one can use international legal sanctions. That is common…I think we should continue to promote positive incentives for Iran and at the same time push it to make all its programs transparent and open. Should we fail in that case, we’ll consider other options.

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