The Corner

McCain: ‘Literally Pleading’ with President Not to Act on Immigration

Minutes after White House chief Denis McDonough threatened an executive action on immigration policy designed to push Congress to act on the matter before the end of the year, Republican senator John McCain beseeched President Obama not to work around lawmakers on immigration reform.

“I literally am pleading with the president of the United States not to act,” the Arizona lawmaker told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell. “It’ll be a devastating blow if he acts unilaterally with executive order.”

“For Denis McDonough — who I admire and like — to say, ‘Well, if the Congress acts, they can negate an executive order,’ that’s not how the government is supposed to run,” McCain continued. “This is a huge issue, and it requires us to work together.”

The senator added he believes progress on the issue could be made on the issue in a new Congress – ”if the president would hold off and see what happens, rather than doing this.”

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