The Corner

McCain: Leaning ‘No’ on Hagel Vote

Citing “grave concerns” over the views former Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel expressed during his confirmation hearing, Arizona senator John McCain indicated that he is leaning against voting to confirm him as secretary of defense. McCain has been a leading voice on the Republican side in the battle over the Hagel nomination.

Though committee chairman Carl Levin delayed the Senate Armed Services Committee’s vote on the nomination due to Hagel’s refusal to turn over financial disclosure documents, Levin indicated Friday that he is now satisfied with the information Hagel has furnished and will move quickly to schedule a vote. 

Republicans, led by Texas senator Ted Cruz and Oklahoma senator Jim Inhofe, have raised concerns that Hagel may have received foreign money in connection with his paid speaking appearances over the past several years. Levin on Friday said the GOP is demanding from Hagel a degree of disclosure that goes “far beyond” that required of previous nominees for secretary of defense. 

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